Tarr Rating
Choosing the right commercial carpet can be overwhelming. There are so many carpets to consider that customers often don’t know where to start. Luckily, the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) has developed a rating system to assist buyers in making the right choice when purchasing carpet. Texture Appearance Retention Ratings (TARR) help determine the right commercial carpet for specific areas of use. TARR tests a carpet’s ability to remain tufted and retain its original shape after being properly installed and maintained in commercial setting. TARR rating simplify your carpet selection by taking the guesswork out of which carpet will be best suited for your installation or renovation.
Ratings are categorized as Moderate, Heavy and Severe based on the end use of a carpet in a specific application. Carpets are tested in environments that mock everyday foot traffic to simulate commercial settings. The better and longer the carpets keep their original, tufted shape the higher their rating. By using this guideline, you can quickly and easily select the right commercial carpet that will perform the most effectively for your application. Here is a guide:
Moderate (≥ 2.5 TARR): Offices, examination rooms, areas with light foot traffic.
Heavy (≥ 3.0 TARR): Corridors, classrooms, conference rooms, libraries, military Housing
Severe (≥ 3.5 TARR): Airports (and other transportation facilities), medical facilities, elevators, stairs, multipurpose areas
To determine which rating numbers apply to your purchase, it’s necessary to analyze your carpet goal. Most importantly, determine the end-use are for the carpet. Where the carpet will be and what kind of traffic will be in the area. Then decide on the design, pattern and color of the carpet you’re considering and further narrow your search. Learn what products will best repel and/or hide stains, consider your color scheme, and then review the TARR numbers of the carpet that fits that criteria.
It’s also important to learn about the type of carpet and backing that will accommodate your end-use area. According to the CRI, “industry tests prove that cushion-backed carpets increase comfort and performance. The cushion absorbs the impact of foot traffic, allowing carpet fiber to look better and last longer.” You can choose from broadloom products with a number of woven, synthetic, unitary and cushioned backings, or carpet tile (with or without cushioned backing).
Once you know your end-use, design/color/pattern and backing criteria, you can quickly and easily select a commercial carpet with a TARR rating ideal for your flooring project. We know these selections can be confusing, but Continental Flooring is here to assist you and make your buying experience quick and easy. See our selections here.